Hummingbird is a repository of MoClo DNA part and plasmid libraries developed by the CIDAR lab.
The CIDAR MoClo Library is the first bacterial DNA part library compatible with a multipart assembly standard. CIDAR MoClo allows for the rapid assembly of interchangeable DNA parts. While many DNA assembly standards have been published in recent years, only the Modular Cloning standard, or MoClo, has the advantage of publicly available part libraries for use in plant, yeast, mammalian systems, and now E. coli.
CIDAR MoClo Publication: Iverson, S., T. L. Haddock, J. Beal and D. Densmore (2015). “CIDAR MoClo: Improved MoClo Assembly Standard and New E. Coli Part Library Enables Rapid Combinatorial Design for Synthetic and Traditional Biology.” ACS Synthetic Biology. (link)
Hummingbird Libraries
CIDAR MoClo Library – Addgene, CIDAR-ICE, Benchling, Genbank (zip), Part List (pdf)
Initial 3 Antibiotic MoClo part collection – Benchling, Genbank (zip)
pJXGm (GFP reporter library) – Benchling, Genbank (zip)
pJXRm (RFP reporter library) – Benchling, Genbank (zip)
Two Color Controls – Benchling, Genbank (zip)
Note: The CIDAR MoClo Library is in quality control stages at Addgene and will be available shortly. Please contact us with any questions.

Key Features
First DNA part library for modular, multipart assembly in bacteria
CIDAR MoClo Library available at Addgene
Improved protocols – 90 minutes (originally 5.5h); $1.5 per reaction (originally $10)
Characterization data – Published in ACS Synthetic Biology
Program Officer: Susanne von Bodman
Award Abstract

The CIDAR MoClo Library is publicly available and contains promoters, ribosomal binding sites, coding sequences, terminators, vectors, and a set of fluorescent control plasmids. Optimized protocols reduce reaction time and cost by >80% from previously published protocols. All plasmids included in the kit are documented on the CIDAR-ICE registry. Additionally, these plasmids and others used in part characterization and other projects can be found on a public Benchling directory.
The CIDAR MoClo Library and assembly standard enable rapid design-build-test cycles in E. coli making this system advantageous for use in many areas of synthetic biology as well as traditional biological research and education.