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Dry Lab


CIDAR has an open, flexible computational workspace located on the 4th floor of the Rajen Kilachand Center for Integrated Life Sciences & Engineering (CILSE) with room for approximately 20 students. This space is intended to accommodate and promote collaboration between undergraduate student interns, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers. Dedicated programmer seating for 16 people is also located on the 4th floor.

Wet Lab


Experimental lab space consisting of two bays on the 4th floor of CILSE allows graduate, undergraduate, and postdoctoral researchers to carry out independent research projects, primarily focused on synthetic biology and biological engineering. Our wetlab group works in collaboration with  other labs in the BU Biological Design Center, who have shared access to flow cytometry equipment, laboratory robotics, and other technologies.



The DAMP Lab is a cloud-based Bio-Foundry Facility with high-throughput automation software, hardware, and a staff of expert technicians. This ecosystem allows for the production of fast, scalable, and reproducible research and services for both Boston University as well as the Synthetic Biology community. It is the home of the Biofoundry Integrated Instrumentation System (BIIS) and CIDAR’s microfluidic prototyping space on CILSE's 6th floor.

Undergraduate and Graduate

Undergraduate students already enrolled at Boston University can get involved in CIDAR research in one of three ways:

Graduate students already studying at Boston University who are interested in doing research rotations with CIDAR should review our research and contact Prof. Douglas Densmore. Please provide information on your academic background, research experience, and the nature of your interest in CIDAR. Students should also consider the “Training Program in Synthetic Biology & Biotechnology (SB2)” -   


If you are not currently a graduate student at Boston University, please consult the Boston University website for more information on the application process. CIDAR generally recruits students from the Electrical and Computer Engineering, Bioinformatics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Biomedical Engineering programs at BU. Students from other universities in the Boston area (Harvard, MIT, etc.) who are looking to collaborate should email Doug and include a current CV.


We are actively recruiting for two post-docs to work on combining engineered biological systems, low-cost microfluidics, and customized electronics. Please see the posting below for more information.

Cross-disciplinary Integration of Design Automation Research (CIDAR)

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Attn: Douglas Densmore
Center for Integrated Life Sciences & Engineering
610 Commonwealth Ave., Fourth Floor,
Boston, MA 02215
Phone: (617) 358-6338

For parking information, please visit the BU Parking & Transportation Services.

© Copyright 2023 CIDAR Lab

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